Saturday, April 4, 2015

The One Where We Dyed Easter Eggs

You guys! My roommate and I dyed Easter eggs tonight! It's only amazing because I realized yesterday that I've never actually dyed eggs before. We always had them for Easter, but my mom always did them. (Thanks for doing that, Mama ❤️) So... It's time for me to be a grown up and dye my own Easter eggs! Hehe

First, I think I ought to confess to you that... I sorta cheated. Yes. It's true. I didn't do the traditional Easter eggs with so many drops of food coloring and the smell of vinegar permeating the entire apartment. I bought... Egg dye cups!

I found them at CVS for $1.99! They came with little dye tablets and cups for each color. Just add vinegar and tepid water. How cool are these?!

Plus, it came with a little egg dipper:
(Don't look at the egg. This one was cracked.)

The dye cups also came with a wax crayon that we could draw on the eggs with and make designs before dyeing the eggs.

Exhibit A: Roommate drawing on egg with aforementioned crayon.

Ready to see the finished product?

Tada!! I'd say my first forray into egg dying was an EGG-traordinary success! Too much? :)

Happy Easter everyone!!

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