Wednesday, April 15, 2015

When Life Overwhelms You...

Hi friend!

Happy Wednesday. We've reached Hump Day. It's basically the END of Hump Day. We're halfway there! I don't know about you, but this last week and change has been a lot. I've felt pretty overwhelmed by life in general. 

I keep thinking "okay, God, let's be honest. I can't possibly handle anymore." And yet He keeps piling it on. Because I'm still not getting it. The fact that I'm saying "I" can't handle anymore means I'm still counting on myself to do it. And "I" can't. 

I know I'm not the only one who has a difficult time relinquishing control. It's not that I don't think God is able. It's just that I think I'm able, too, sometimes. That's when I get weary. That's when I become overwhelmed. Because you know what? I'm just not able. The only way I am is when I let Christ take the control. When I am weak, HE is strong. And I'm tired of being the strong one. Or, let's be real, TRYING to be the strong one. 

Tonight, I'm dwelling on these verses:

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. (1 Peter 5:7 KJV)

But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows. (Luke 12:7 KJV)

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. (Psalms 91:1 KJV)

From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. (Psalms 61:2 KJV)

When I am struggling and life is uncertain, God is my certainty. He is my shelter and my refuge. He's brought me this far and He will not forsake me. ❤️

Saturday, April 4, 2015

The One Where We Dyed Easter Eggs

You guys! My roommate and I dyed Easter eggs tonight! It's only amazing because I realized yesterday that I've never actually dyed eggs before. We always had them for Easter, but my mom always did them. (Thanks for doing that, Mama ❤️) So... It's time for me to be a grown up and dye my own Easter eggs! Hehe

First, I think I ought to confess to you that... I sorta cheated. Yes. It's true. I didn't do the traditional Easter eggs with so many drops of food coloring and the smell of vinegar permeating the entire apartment. I bought... Egg dye cups!

I found them at CVS for $1.99! They came with little dye tablets and cups for each color. Just add vinegar and tepid water. How cool are these?!

Plus, it came with a little egg dipper:
(Don't look at the egg. This one was cracked.)

The dye cups also came with a wax crayon that we could draw on the eggs with and make designs before dyeing the eggs.

Exhibit A: Roommate drawing on egg with aforementioned crayon.

Ready to see the finished product?

Tada!! I'd say my first forray into egg dying was an EGG-traordinary success! Too much? :)

Happy Easter everyone!!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Sights & Sounds


I feel like I ought to introduce myself, considering how long it's been since I posted anything here. 

"I'm Rebekah. Welcome to my blog."

In all honesty, I really miss blogging. I could give you loads of reasons/excuses. But I won't. I will only ask your forgiveness, kind reader. Thank you ❤️

Today was a gorgeous day. I sat outside during my lunch hour. The air still has a chill to it, but the sun was out today. The kind of sun that soaks your skin and makes you feel warm all over. Almost like it's asking for your forgiveness for staying away so long and leaving you cold and grey. I am fairly reasonable, so I will consider it.

The river is alive today. I feel like alive is the only word that truly captures the essence of the river as it is. It sparkles with sunlight. It churns and chops as barges crawl past with their cargoes and boats go by brimming with passengers (read tourists). There is constant movement. The Brooklyn Bridge has its own glitter. Cars the size of my pinky nail trek across, going to and from Brooklyn. Glinting in the sun. From my office, later in the day, the Manhattan Bridge has a similar effect when the trains race below. A long streak of silver. 

The smells of this city are both new and familiar. It seems to be a heady combination of pizza, coffee, and street meat. And sometimes garbage. It all blends together to produce a scent that IS New York. Sometimes that's good. And sometimes that's bad. That's just the truth. 

As I sat by the river, watching the water and the tourists move past me with equal fluidity, I just enjoyed the moment. I let it wash over me like the sun and just let myself appreciate the unique beauty of this city and the beautiful gift of life and thanking God for allowing me to be a part of it.