Thursday, December 11, 2014

Three Months!

So, I've been in New York for three months (as of tomorrow).  Three months! The time has simultaneously flown and dragged by. Being here has been different than any other period of my life, for multiple reasons.

1. I'm living in an entirely different part of the country than I've ever lived in.  I grew up in Eastern Tennessee and spent the later part of my childhood in Southern Indiana, before moving to Florida for the blink of an eye, and then moving back to Indiana, to the Northwest corner.  The climate here is different.  The way people talk is different... 

2.  I'm nowhere near any of my family.  I think this is a good thing.  Not that I don't love my family.  I do.  But for the first time, I'm on my own. I'm making decisions for myself and I'm finding out where I stand for myself.  It's a time of self-discovery and a time of learning to depend more on God because the familiar people/things I relied on at home are nowhere around.

3.  I've been job hunting ever since I arrived.  Real talk: Job hunting is exhausting.  It's exhausting to look through tedious job postings.  It's exhausting to keep applying and not hear anything back.  It's exhausting to go to interviews and try and put your best foot forward and it's exhausting to hear back that they're "going in another direction".  I end up feeling like Anne Shirley.  Seriously.
"If I was very beautiful and had nut-brown hair, would you keep me?"

I know the right job is out there. Maybe it's the one I interviewed for onTuesday.  Maybe it's a different one. It's hard to wait, but it seems that's where I'm supposed to be right now. Waiting.
Anyway, these are my musings upon three months in the city that never sleeps.  My laptop is dying, so this is going to get wrapped up. :) Take care my friends!

Addendum: I'm using my phone app to wrap this up properly. Three months in the city. I'm still here, and things are different, but I'm okay! God is still good to me. Things could be so much worse. 

♥ Rebekah

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